The role of mind in the causation and cure of diseases is well recognized in kayachikitsa, hence due importance is given to strict mental discipline and adherence to moral values. For the same postment of manasroga is described in kayachikitsa.Kaya Chikitsa mainly deals with the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of general diseases, such as skin disorders, diabetes, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis and many other disorders. Charaka Samhita is the most important scripture on kayachikitsa.It discussed the basic principles of treatment, various types of therapies and purification or detoxification methods. Kayachitikitsa is the branch of herbal and holistic medicine, which delves deep into ascertaining the root cause of the illness. Kayachikitsa is a backbone of Ayurveda medicine. Kayachikitsa is essentially concerned with education, research and patient care in the area of Ayurvedic internal medicine and its clinical specialties.