Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College


Agadtantra is one of the eight branches of ayurveda. It deals with properties, effects and management of poison of animate & inanimate origin. There is in detail study of agadas i.e. vishavirodhidravya or vishavirodhikalpa which are used since human history itself. It also deals with the laws related to poisons.

Agad Tantra deals with study of the poisons, its action, clinical manifestation diagnosis of acute, chronic and cumulative toxicity and treatment. Poison refers to the toxins produced by toxic materials and living organism which are dangerous to human beings e.g. poisonous plants, heavy metal and its compound, the venom of snake, scorpion etc., artificial poison like insecticide, herbicide and rodenticide etc. It includes occupational and industrial toxicity, its clinical manifestation, diagnosis and management. It includes acute, chronic toxicity of various addicted drugs, it’s withdrawal and its management. The Department imparts training to under graduate students in Ayurvedic classical references of Visa (poison), its detailed description, its classifications and examinations, principles of managements and preventive measures. This department deals with toxicology, forensic medicine and medical jurisprudence.

Departmental features

  1. The Students have been taken to Civil hospital, Durg to show them Post- Mortem demonstration and thereby giving them practical trainings on the subject.
  2. Also they have been taken to forensic science laboratory, for practical toxicological studies
  3. Department Conducts Field visit to session court Durg for detail study of practical approach to the subject.
  4. Topic discussion in the form of seminars weekly conducted by under graduate students.


  • To bring law and medicine together for preparing ayurveda students for their medical, legal and social duties in medical profession.
  • To give sufficient knowledge to handle the cases of poisoning.
  • To create a “first contact physician” who is aware of medical ethics, duties and various acts governing medical practice.
  • To produce a doctor who is well informed about medico-legal responsibilities during the practice of medicine.
  • To make the Ayurved graduates capable of making observation and inferring conclusion by logical deductions to set inquiries on the right track in criminal manners and associated medico-legal problems.
  • To create interest in research related to toxicology and various medico legal problems.

Staff List

Sr.  No.NameQualificationPost
1Dr. Kirti MishraBAMS, MD (Agad Tantra)Lecturer
2Devaki Bai Sahu10th PassAttendant

Some Images of the Department