Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College


Swasthavritta is the branch of Ayurveda which plays an important role in health promotion and prevention of the diseases through holistic approach of Diet, Life style modification and Achar Rasayana (Ethical practices). Department also emphasizes practice of Yoga & Naturopathy. Department has Swasthrakshana OPD in Hospital with practical approach towards Yoga, Nisargopachara and Pathyapathya Ahar (Diet Consultancy). A real strength of Ayurveda is preventive measures and maintaining good health this is incorporated in the swasthavritta. According to CCIM, swasthavritta syllabus contains preventive measures of modern science, yog shastra and naturopathy as well.


The Student should be able to:
  1. Understand and Practice “Dincharya” and “Ritucharya” according to Ayurveda.
  2. Understand and practice principles of Ayurveda diet system.
  3. Understand and practice Yoga & Naturopathy.
  4. Provide Preventive services to the society in respect to communicable, non-communicable diseases.
  5. Provide community based services.
  6. To know and involve in National health Programmes.

Departmental Features

  • Department is well equipped with departmental library, museum attached separate specious yoga hall for practical training of students.
  • Departmental Library having various texts and reference books of ayurveda, modern science, yog shastra and nisargopchar.
  • Departmental museum possesses all required charts, models and specimens.
  • A seperate yoga hall with an adequate space for yogasana and all relevant charts related to yoga is available.

Departmental Initiatives

  • Swasthavritta helps to train the graduate (BAMS) professionals in public health, which is fundamental to 21st century healthcare. The main intent of public health is to promote a healthier population and minimize the effects of disease, disability, and injury.
  • Swasthavritta has unique concepts and methodologies to address primary health care. With well-designed operational research and after suitable modifications, it is possible to apply the sound principles of Swasthavritta for promoting longevity with improved quality of life at the level of the individual as well as the community.
  • Department has come up with Innovative practices like various food adulteration tests.
  • Involvement in community activities in nearby villages in, conducting morning Yoga session for the IPD patients as well as for the publics.
  • Organizing Food festival for the publics in order to create an awareness about Balanced diet & nutrition, diet advice to the healthy individual & patient in OPD as well as IPD basis.
  • Department Also engages itself to different visits to Water treatment centre, visit to Food industry, visit to milk pasteurization centre, visit to Nearby PHCs, visit to Leprosy rehabilitation centre, visit Milk Factory & visit to Yoga & Naturopathy Centre.
  • Celebrate International day of Yoga, Dhanwantri Day and various important days related to public health.

Staff List

Sr.  No. Name  Qualification Post
1 Dr. Sagar Sharma BAMS, MD (Swasthavritta) Reader
2 Dr. Premlal Patel BNYS Lecturer
3 Mr. Premshankar Verma 12th Pass Museum Keeper

Some Images of the Department