Rajiv Lochan Ayurvedic Medical College


Dravyaguna department of RLAM College is well systematic organised, Department is a first learning place of herbal medicinal plant and it is an essential part of our ayurveda science. This Department deals with medicinal plant of ayurvedic classic, their identification, history, source, distribution, cultivation, preservation, collection, storage, properties, action and therapeutic uses according to fundamental principle of Ayurveda. Dravyaguna department also maintains well kept herbal garden having more than 6000 plants of 336 species. The department is comparable to pharmacological science of modern medicine deals with teaching of pharmacology in ayurveda like drug identification, standardization, pharmaco kinetics, pharmaco dynamics and pharmaco therapeutics.

Departmental features

  1. Dravyaguna department is well equipped with study hall, departmental library, attached with pharmacognosy laboratory and museum.
  2. Departmental library containing various samhitas, nighantus texts and reference books of ayurveda and modern pharmacology.
  3. Museum has preserved wet specimens and minimum 130 fresh live plants and dry preserved specimen of various parts of plants around 270 also hundreds of herbal sheets of different medicinal plants are available.
  4. Pharmacognosy laboratory of the department has been developed  according the norms of an adequate laboratory suitable for various scientific procedures like micro, macro study of fresh plants and crude drug also adulteration studies etc. having all necessary instruments and equipments.

Herbal Garden

  1. Herbal Garden of RLAM College spread out in an area of 5665.60 mtr. with sufficient water supply.
  2. Minimum 336 rare species and more than 6000 medicinal plant available in garden like – Daruharidra, Trivrit, Madasak, Bhallatak, Kampillak, Katak, Ashavagandha, Shami, Kupilu, Chandan etc.
  3. Demonstration room as per CCIM norms.


  1. The department aims to teach the students thorough knowledge of medicinal plants like identification, qualities, features, function etc.
  2. Teach the students ayurvedic as well as botanical aspect of herbs.
  3. To guide the students to use ayurvedic medicinal plants in various ailments.
  4. Students are made aware about propagation & cultivation techniques of important medicinal plants.
  5. To achieve recognition, excellency in academics, clinical fields, research and development.

Department Initiatives

  1. Our department organizes long and short tours every year where students come closer to nature and ayurvedic medicinal plants grown wildly and naturally are shown to them.
  2. On the occasion of vanmahotsav plantation programme is organized every year in campus and nearby villages.

Staff List

Sr.  No.Name QualificationPost
1Dr. Anju BainBAMS, M.D. (Dravyagun)Professor
2Dr. Uma VermaBAMS, M.D. (Dravyagun)Lecturer
3Mr. Ram Prasad Sahu10th PassLab Tech.
4Girdhar Prasad5thMuseum Keeper

Images of the Department